You might have noticed that all the updates lately have been SPOT notifications. That's because we rarely seem to have internet these days. Today is an exception, we are in Jolly Harbour on Antigua, leaving towards (!) St. Kitts tomorrow. Usually, Rolf and I prefer small, secluded anchorages, hence no wifi service. Gosh, our spot on Green Island (Antigua) across form Rickett Bay was GORGEOUS! Kazaio, you absolutely have to go there on your way North!
Green Island Antigua - that's how we like it |
So, sorry that most if not all you will hear from us the next few weeks will be SPOT notifications. Just know that we are on our way North, planning to keep long distance trips to a minimum. Neither Rolf nor myself feel like doing any overnighters, unless we absolutely have to. We are planning to be in Florida around middle of February and at least I am planning to be home first week of March. It might be later for Rolf, depending on how the 'summerization' of the boat will go. At this point, we don't even know where we will park it for the summer...
Anyway, I'll try to update this blog with some news whenever I can. For now, he hope you had a marvelous Christmas and we wish you all the best for the year 2013.
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