Sunday, 19 August 2012

Uninvited Guests

The storm is still blowing like crazy, we continue to be stuck on the boat. So, time for another update:
Funny enough, the two recent incidents I will write about both have to do with uninvited guests - guests that could not be more different from each other... :-)

The day we arrived in Corfu City, Rolf and I explored the town. There is always the thing with phone and internet to be sorted out. While Rolf spent his time at a Vodaphone shop, I got bored and checked out the supermarket next door. I always like to browse supermarkets in other countries, almost like a treat for me. Well, not that one. Barely inside, I saw a cockroach cross my path disappearing under a shelf. I turned around and left, slightly shocked if not surprised. We are in a warm country after all... The sight didn't leave me all day, I thought so much about it, I mentioned to Rolf when we were sitting on the flybridge together enjoying the evening, that we should probably stock up on anti - cockroach spray just in case to be prepared should the worst happen. Rolf agreed, we both still remembering the line of ants to and from Kazaio in the Provence... Now, when getting ready for bed, what do I find lurking out of under my shower bottom: tiny, thin feet belonging to some kind of insect. Argh! Rolf to the rescue. And it was...a cockroach!!! Oh no!!! Rolf threw it over board and I didn't dare to get back into the bathroom without light for the next few nights. My biggest fear: Where there's one, there could be others...So, we stocked up on cockroach poison and traps, Rolf nuked the bilges through the floor board holes and - knock on wood (toi, toi, toi), now that we are prepared, none has shown up again. I really, really hope so!!!! Guess it came on board via the docking lines in one of the previous marinas, but we will never know for sure. I AM very reluctant to stay in marinas since then, though...

The second story about an uninvited guest is a little more bizarre... We all went ashore to have dinner with the Kazaio crew. We found an amazing Greek Tapas Bar and enjoyed the food immensely, while a huge thunderstorm went over the town. It was dry again when we took the dinghy back to the boat - remember, avoiding marinas now... ;-) And, of course, it was dark, something around midnight or so. When we arrived at the back of our boat, Hannah said "There's a person under the boat!" I don't think that sank in with anybody, it was so unusual! But yes, actually, there WAS a lady holding onto the straps of our life raft which is tied up to the bottom of the boat between the two pontoons. And, shockingly, she was stark naked! Now, what is a naked lady doing under our boat at midnight??? Our question exactly "What are you doing here?" Her answer: "Is this your boat?" Well, yeah, why else would we be there...??? Anyway, long story short, first, here English wasn't too good, later it was better and she could talk. Rolf wanted her to leave, but she only got as far as our anchor chain and stayed there. Not good enough. Goodhearted Martina was concerned about the lady's welfare. I'm glad she was as I wasn't, felt too much like an intrusion of privacy to me, like when your house is ransacked by a thief... (me being melodramatic, I know...) Finally, we decided to take her back on shore, but remember, she was naked...Good Martina got some of her clothes (the not favourite kind) and gave it to her. Something was odd about that lady, as Hannah had to show her how to put on the pants. Was she drugged? Or mentally ill? Drunk??? Forever a mystery. Once Martina and Rolf dropped her off at the beach, two guys which seemed to be wearing uniforms were already waiting for her. Mystery over mystery! Why didn't those guys get a boat? Waiting on shore until she got back... actually, until she got a ride back...???? We'll never know. Bizarre!

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