Saturday, 18 August 2012

Corfu City July 31 - Aug 8

Having arrived early in Corfu City, we stayed in the city as well as in it's vicinity, waiting for Martina and Hannah to arrive. So far, Corfu City was the hottest spot we have found on our trip. One night (!), returning with our dinghy, you got the feeling you had a heating element attached to the front of it, the wind was that hot. But we fell in love with the city regardless. It was so full of life and full of friendly people, people sitting outside at night listening to open concerts, little alleys full with fun shops, Chester being the biggest hit ever. The best new thing we tried: Greek Frozen Joghurt, Yum!!! Forget ice cream, Greek Frozen Joghurt it is from now on! Once Martina and Hannah had joined us from Hennef, we continued South, exploring islands and bays, enjoying lazy days on board, swimming in bathtub warm water, eating Greek food,... heaven!

Enjoying Greek Food with Martina and Hannah in Corfu City 
Buying 3.5l of famous Paxos Olive Oil


Next Life going through the Channel of Korinth

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