Friday, 16 March 2012

Going crazy?!

I have 3 1/2 more days left before I leave for Germany. Most things are taken care of, some things still need my attention, but I should be able to manage. Weeks ago, I had made a groomer's appointment for Chester, my dog. I'd like him to be nice-smelling and clean when we get to Germany, of course. So, here I am, telling Rolf "I'm taking Chester to the groomer" and off we go. After dropping him off, I drive straight home, where Rolf ask's me "Where have you been?" Me:" At the groomer...?!!" Rolf: "Ah,...I remember now...". I get back to what I have to do at my computer. Half an hour later, going back to the kitchen, I wonder "Where's the dog???" I check his usual places in the kitchen. Nothing. The winter garden. Nope. Living Room? No dog. So I ask Rolf: "Where's the dog?" Rolf:"I don't know, maybe in the basement?" But the door to the basement is closed, so that's not where he could be...??? That's when it dawns on my: The dog is at the groomer!!!
And you wondered how we were doing, eh?! Well, now you know... ;-)